Picture of Carl Cook

👋 Hello and Welcome to My Portfolio!

I'm a full-stack software engineer with a passion for building responsive, secure and performant web applications for great user experiences. Based in So Cal's Huntington Beach by the 405 and ready to work onsite, hybrid or remote.

Team developing web applications

This is my technology stack

So much I want to add like React and WASM (Web Assembly)

Html Logo
CSS Logo
JavaScript Logo
TypeScript Logo
CSharp Logo
C Sharp
SQL Logo
SQL Server

Here are some of my projects

All my professional work is private

  • zcsd.org

    Z-car Club of San Diego

    Html, CSS, JavaScript

    In January 2022 I volunteered and remade the site.

  • Hover.Us

    Hoverboard project

    Html, CSS, JavaScript, C#, SQL

    Big dreams to make a board like many have tried, but nobody has gotten working like it should.

  • Next project

    Next Project - Coming Soon

    Html, CSS, JavaScript, React

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